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3 posters

    Ellian - Character Design


    Posts : 5
    Join date : 2019-01-29

    Ellian - Character Design Empty Ellian - Character Design

    Post by Benenor90 Tue Jan 29, 2019 10:10 am

    Ellian - Character Design Ellian10

    WIP of a character design for a story I'm working on. Any critique is welcome, and I'm also curious what kind of character you get the feeling that she is based on her design. I want to make sure that the design reads well without a description. Thank you all, and I hope you enjoy!

    Last edited by Benenor90 on Tue Jan 29, 2019 10:11 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : trying to fix image)

    Posts : 12
    Join date : 2019-01-18

    Ellian - Character Design Empty Re: Ellian - Character Design

    Post by Rob Tue Jan 29, 2019 10:16 am

    Hey I dig it! I am curious about the image, did it auto size to your need? I need to test.

    Posts : 5
    Join date : 2019-01-29

    Ellian - Character Design Empty Re: Ellian - Character Design

    Post by Benenor90 Tue Jan 29, 2019 10:17 am

    Thank you! It auto-sized, and cut off the right side. If you open the image up in a new tab you can see the full version. Not sure why it formatted that way, I probably did something wrong.

    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2019-02-01

    Ellian - Character Design Empty Re: Ellian - Character Design

    Post by 60%Alkahul Fri Feb 01, 2019 4:43 am

    Hey! Im digging the concept and the colors so far! I would love to have more clarity on some things, e.g. the hair. Right now it feels like a wild mass of matted, tangled hair. Are those Curls? What kind of curls? How exactly are they held together or falling?

    I think the character could also benefit from a clearer silhouette - from behind, the elbow is kind of melting together with the body - i would take the arm more out of the silhouette for a better read. Same with the other arm. Always think "How can I iterate the silhouette to make it read more clearly?"

    I like that you have small explanatory sketches for the material though. Keep at it!

      Current date/time is Wed Jan 15, 2025 12:04 pm